Sitting Ducks
Sitting Ducks Page 4

Panel 1: Nate, Ox and Lisbeth sit together on a picnic blanket.
Panel 2: Nate, Ox and Lisbeth are in class together. Both Nate and Lisbeth have fallen asleep. They are all holding hands.
Panel 3: The three of them sit in a library. Ox is holding his head in frustration. Lisbeth is bored on her phone. Nate is chilling.

Created by Eldkrind and Nathaniel for Pride Month 2021.
"Sitting Ducks" is the third comic created by Eldkrind and Nathaniel together and is the sequal to Date and Ducking Idiots. For our third installment of our Pride Comics we bring you holidays (or should we say Holi-GAYS) in June, in which we learn a little bit more about everyone’s family dynamics.