Panel 1: Ox is looking down, not paying attention. Nate holds his hands up to his mouth, whispering.
Nate: You can do it!
Panel 2: Lisbeth clutches her notes, tense.
Lisbeth: So... Uh... So um. The sun. It is... About 92.96 million miles away from us.
Panel 3: Closeup of Lisbeth's eyes, starring at ox. Ox sits with his eyes closed. The scribbles covers the panel.
Lisbeth: And is currently burning at about 5,778 kelvin, or 9,941 fahrenheit...
Panel 4: Ox absentmindedly licks his lips. The scribbles point to his lips. Hearts and stars suround him.
Lisbeth: Which is the same as 5.505 celcious.
Panel 5: Lisbeth faints.
Panel 6: Lisbeth lays on the ground.
Teacher: Miss Petrenko?? Are you alright?? hello can you hear us? Oh goodness above - someone get her some water!